Friday, June 30, 2006

Artistic Constipation

I am very excited that RISD has accepted more of my DCAD credits; now I will be able to attend this fall as a junior instead of a a sophomore. That makes things much more affordable. I can't wait to have more time to make art, no more commuting, and live in a cool artsy town. I think it will be a great experience for me.

Strangely, at the same time I am feeling some artistic constipation. Recently I haven't had any desire to draw; the act of sitting down to draw is stressing me out! I doesn't make any sense! I have always loved to draw!

Everytime I think about drawing, I think about long nights with painfully brief amounts of sleep, being too broke to buy anything, and the horrible taste of too many ramen noodles. Especially figure drawing.

I feel really torn right now. I keep squeezing myself into a restricted, regimented little box when it comes to art-- "Draw 10 figures every night, in pencil, only in the sketchbook, and not from your imagination!" I think there is a prudish old schoolmarm in my head.

To be honest, I feel like doing some fashion illustration, design, and a little sewing too. I have had ideas for clothing and accessories lately that would be really fun to make and wear. I want to make some collages and experiment with color, and make some fun sculptures. To be honest, I don't want to do much of anything that I did at DCAD until its time to go back to school. I'm just worried that following that impulse will land me far behind everyone else skills-wise and the other animator's work will kick my work's ass.

What do I do!?


Bonaia said...

i think everyone goes through that brain fart time after classes but it will come back all the stronger afterwards. i had that, i know a lot of people who had that happen as well. congrats again on getting in man. i want to see some of your art really bad. i keep checking and i haven't seen any new stuff in a WHILE.

Teresa said...

Take some milk of magnesia!