Friday, March 17, 2006

The Joy of Animation

I had a pretty decent day Thursday. Wednesday night I stayed up all night working on a puppet animation that turned out pretty nice. Hopefull I can reshoot some of the weaker sections this week and put everythiing to gether in a nice presentation.

In animation class, we did an animation with Mickey Mouse--he did everything from flicking people off to pulling out guns and cigars.

Here's a Mickey drawing I did in class, featuring drunkard mickey, chainsaw mickey, and steroids mickey!

Some keyframes from an animation I did.

Unfotunately, I am getting kinda restless since it almost graduation time. It's starting to affect my classes. I hope to turn things around so I don't end up regretting it.


Echo Shi Volla said...

haha I like the micky mouse nice work!!

Mike Manley said...

Roid Mickey is great!